Changing our energy economy is a big part of our advance towards a sustainable energy future. Although we are becoming a city that prioritises renewable energy, we are still reliant on fossil fuels.
Our major energy sources are electricity, petrol and diesel. We also use coal, jet and marine fuel, paraffin and LP gas.

For more information, view the Cape Town State of Energy Report 2015.

The City’s targets for energy consumption and a sustainable energy future are summarized in the Cape Town Energy 2040 brochure. Strategies are also mapped out in detail in the energy and climate change action plan, Moving Mountains

  • City of Cape Town Energy Efficiency Forum
    View PDF
  • GreenCape Market Intelligence Report - Energy
    View PDF
  • GreenCape Market Intelligence Report - Waste Economy
    View PDF
  • GreenCape Resilience Report - Energy 1
    View PDF
  • GreenCape Resilience Report - Energy 2
    View PDF
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