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The Western Cape Government, the City of Cape Town and Wesgro this week announced the launch of an international investor confidence marketing campaign, titled “Invest in a Place of More”.

The campaign’s key objective is to instil confidence in the economy of the Cape and South Africa internationally, by showcasing the many opportunities for investment across a variety of sectors.

Delivering the opening address at the launch on Thursday, 4 October 2018, head of the Western Cape Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT), Solly Fourie, noted the importance of the initiative to help boost the investment case for South Africa, especially in light of the country’s renewed effort to attract investment.

“This campaign was first conceived during the height of the credit ratings downgrades, when our country’s investment brand was severely impacted on,” said Fourie. “The very severe drought experienced in the Western Cape, and the negative media coverage surrounding it, also weighed down heavily on our investment-case globally. There are many opportunities for investment in the Cape, and we need to get the message out globally in the context of these shocks.”

The first phase of the campaign was preceded by an international investor perceptions survey, which assisted in identifying the key messages that would help shift perceptions about investing in Cape Town and the Western Cape.

Deputy Director General for Economic Development and Tourism in the Western Cape, Rashid Toefy, said: “This research provided us with the data we needed to make sure the campaign was efficient and impactful. It demonstrated that we needed to do more to show to the world our relative strengths. Access to markets, ease of doing business, a growing economy, and world-class infrastructure were key points identified in this research.”

The investor confidence campaign will be digitally-led, targeting investors in the Cape’s six top investment source-markets, namely, the USA, China, UK, France, Netherlands and Germany.

Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris, highlighted the importance of this campaign in shifting a narrative that the Cape is just for tourists. “A key component of this campaign is to change the perception internationally that the Western Cape is just a destination for tourists. Tourism is a major economic driver, but there is more to the destination. Indeed, on the basis of a number of key economic proof-points, the campaign demonstrates that there is much more to the Cape than meets the eye, and that the very things that make us famous, also make us an economic powerhouse on the continent.”

The campaign collateral, which includes 6 AVs and a variety of social media gifs will direct investors in key source markets to a campaign microsite, where reasons to invest in South Africa are provided, as well as opportunities and success stories. The microsite will also allow prospective investors to subscribe and be contacted by Wesgro’s dedicated Investment Promotion Unit. This lead generation component will also allow for more direct engagement.

“The proof-points will showcase interesting statistics about our region, in particular, in the Green Economy, Tech, BPO, the Tourism and Agriculture sectors. It will also demonstrate how we are a gateway to the rest of Africa, with improved air access, and a top export market” added Harris.

An investor confidence booklet has also been uploaded to provide key information visually, allowing anyone visiting the site to understand the opportunities in our province and country. This booklet will be disseminated on the various trade and investment missions which our economic agencies embark on.

Director for Enterprise and Investment in the City of Cape Town, Lance Greyling, highlighted how this joint-up approach aligns with the City’s investment promotion strategy.

“Invest Cape Town is a demonstration of the City’s commitment to creating a platform that contributes to the increased awareness, attractiveness and competitiveness of the city as a place to do business,” said Greyling. “It focuses on crafting an authentic narrative about what Cape Town stands for as an investment destination, leveraging on the beauty and lifestyle of the destination.

In order to tell compelling stories and promote the city’s competitive advantages, various engagement platforms and collateral have been developed.  These include social media, a website and media clips. Collateral is developed with targeted sectors in mind to drive impact. To further strengthen the narrative brand, media clips hinge on endorsements from key people working across a range of service sectors in the city.”

Since the launch of Invest Cape Town in November 2016, the project team has engaged with leaders of industry and business, launched a website and developed 40 business success stories, which are available online.

The Minister of Economic Opportunities in the Western Cape, Alan Winde, welcomed the initiative as a key intervention to grow the Western Cape economy, by boosting investment.

Fourie concluded that Cape Town and the Western Cape was excited about participating in South Africa’s Inaugural Investment Summit in Johannesburg later this month.

“Team Western Cape will be in Sandton to help shore up the investment offering for South Africa. We are looking forward to this important intervention, and will be sure to use this campaign to assist with this important initiative”

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