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A NEW ECONOMIC GROWTH DIRECTORATE FOR CAPE TOWN – It makes business sense!                                                                                                                                                             

It is my great pleasure to provide my insights as Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management.

The newly established Economic Opportunities and Asset Management directorate has been dubbed the “growth” directorate, as it gives effect to our intention to build on the economic successes of Cape Town and take them to a much higher level.

The unique combination of the Enterprise and Investment department with those of the City’s extensive asset management departments allows us to find important synergies and levers in driving economic growth in Cape Town.

Our goal is a simple and vital one, namely to achieve growth, optimize our efforts and through this synergised cluster ensure Cape Town is open for business.

I would like to thank and congratulate my team in the Enterprise and Investment department on this first publication, demonstrating exactly that, snapshot economic investment data, showcasing the achievements of our investor community and sharing lessons learnt and highlighting forward trends.

Readers will glean from this publication that part of our focus is to increase the support to a number of key economic sectors through our funding of special purpose vehicles which undertake skills training, investor promotion and facilitation, as well as sector development activities.

These results demonstrate that our efforts to support key sectors and aggressively position Cape Town as the ideal place to live, work, play, study and invest in is showing positive results for our economy and our residents.

The success of the Cape Town economy is, in my mind, largely testament to the power of partnerships and it is our objective of this new directorate to strengthen our networks with the private sector so that together we can remove the constraints for growth and build an inclusive economy that can deliver the job creation we all aspire to.

We invite you to support, watch this space for upcoming business events and be part of our growth trajectory, after all, it makes business sense.

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