The City of Cape Town recently celebrated a group of interns who successfully completed their internship year through the City’s Urban Sustainability Internship Programme (USIP). Part of this group was Bronwin de Preez, a University of Western Cape (UWC) Honours graduate, who seized every opportunity this internship year had to offer. Bronwin was recognised as the Most Outstanding Intern on the programme for 2019. Read more below:

Bronwin du Preez, a 23 year-old honours graduate from Goodwood, formed part of the 2019 USIP and achieved great success while completing her internship within the City. Bronwin was recognised as the Most Outstanding Intern for 2019 and the City commends her for her hard work and commitment during the 12-month programme.

Bronwin completed her Bachelor of Arts Honours, majoring in Geography at the UWC in 2018, and heard about the City’s USIP programme through the institution. During her internship, she had the opportunity to work alongside research experts in the City’s Policy and Strategy Department. There she was exposed to various research and data analytic projects and assisted with interpreting data for some key projects, and contributed towards research pieces.

‘The City provided me with my first job within my field and what a wonderful start to my professional career it has been! The journey has been one filled with personal growth. I have met some of the most intellectual individuals and had the opportunity of working on projects with some of them,’ said Bronwin.

She approached every day with enthusiasm and passion.

‘I would simply be myself. I was a helper when I needed to help any team in need. A leader when I needed to lead projects, and a friend when someone needed a friend. I dedicated myself to my internship year completely as I do with all other projects I take on in life. I invested a lot of time and hard work, but if it was not for my fellow intern colleagues, manager and various mentors, I would have been lost. It is to them that I owe this great accomplishment. Their time and years of experience has surely prepared me for my next chapter in life and I hope to continue to work with the City of Cape Town in the future,’ said Bronwin.

One of Bronwin’ s favourite aspects of the USIP programme is the workshops that are offered to the interns, and meetings she was able to attend. At these meetings, she had the opportunity to meet and network with professionals allocated in various departments across the city.

‘It is a privilege for the City to award ambitious graduates like Bronwin with opportunities through the USIP graduate internship. It gives me immense pleasure to witness them flourish in their roles within a department. I believe it is truly up to the individual to embrace these opportunities and to be open to learning from all the professionals they have access to during their internship. I commend Bronwin for her contribution to her department. Her attitude and approach to her work was truly outstanding. I believe she inspired many around her. She is a great example to young people who are eager to grow in their professional careers,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Corporate Services, Councilor Sharon Cottle.

‘Bronwin has been an exceptional intern this year and it’s been a privilege to mentor her. She has contributed to the City’s research work by means of data literacy, guidelines for evidence based decision-making and urban management programmes. It is so exciting and inspiring to see how Bronwin has grown professionally and personally. She is positive, committed, highly professional and completed all her tasks to the highest standard and in good time,’ said Carol Wright, Manager of Research, Policy and Strategy for the City of Cape Town.

This diligent go-getter has great plans for her future and is going on to complete/pursue her Masters at the African Center for Cities at the University of Cape Town.

‘I hope to pursue my PhD over the next few years as well, and would love to follow a career in research, specifically research relating to urban issues in cities as I’ve always been fascinated by urban geography. Who knows, perhaps I could even return to the City of Cape Town as a lead researcher one day. Over the past year, I have had the privilege to work alongside professionals with years’ of experience; they have been a true inspiration to me, hence my motivation to expand my knowledge and expertise over the coming years,’ said Bronwin.

She is also inspired by the number of interns who have received full-time placement in the City.

‘This is very encouraging. Some interns received placements in the City, some in private companies, and a few – like myself – will be furthering their studies,’ Bronwin.

Apart from the USIP, the City has a number of strategies and programmes in place to provide as many opportunities as possible to individuals who want to grow and create a better future for themselves. The programmes include learnerships, bursaries and job shadowing opportunities.


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