As an innovative, world-class City, we are continuously looking to support and invest in priority sectors especially during these trying times. For this reason, we will continue to work with Strategic Business Partners to provide support and guidance to what we believe are key sectors.

The clothing and textiles industry is traditionally a significant employer in the Cape Town economy, employing approximately 23 000 individuals, which makes this the second largest employer within the manufacturing sector. I am motived, now more than ever, to provide business support to this sector

I am happy to advise that our partners, Cape Clothing and Textile Cluster (CCTC), now offer business support by way of online advice and guidance sessions through the COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Programme.

The CCTC, through its working groups, have resolved that their primary purpose is to help firms equip themselves to survive the shutdown and make sure that plans are in place to function effectively in the post-shutdown phase, doing everything possible to ensure business sustainability and job security. The working group think tank sessions will continue throughout the shutdown period.

The Risk Mitigation Programme sessions are scheduled as follows;

  • Health and Safety planning after Lockdown

Date:              7 April 2020

Time:              09:00-10:30

Target:           HR managers, Production managers


  • Cash flow post lockdown

Date:              8 April 2020

Time:              10:00-11:00

Target:           Executives, Finance, HR

  • Supply Chain Management

Date:              9 April 2020

Time:              10:00-11:00

Target:           Executives, Supply chain managers, Production managers

  • Retail Demand and Localisation

Date:              14 April 2020

Time:              10:00-11:30

Target:           Executives, Sales, Finance

  • Production After Lockdown

Date:              15 April 2020

Time:              09:00-10:30

Target:           Production managers


While all members will undoubtedly benefit from the presentations which will be distributed after each session, it is highly recommended that you electronically join in on the sessions to benefit fully from the process. Businesses are encouraged to nominate organisation representatives if they are unable to virtually attend.

Invitations for each event will be distributed through an Outlook Calendar invitation which will have a link to join the respective sessions. For queries regarding this programme or require any additional support, please contact

With these measures in place, we would like to reassure key role players that we are committed to support and sustain this industry. I will use all levers at my disposal to provide resources to assist with stimulating this sector. In addition to supporting the CCTC, my department also supports the following Strategic Business Partners within this sector:

  • Cape Town Fashion Council
  • Western Cape Clothing and Textile Service Centre (CLOTEX)
  • Craft and Design Institute (CDI)

The City fully supports the approach of its strategic business partners, which favours shared learnings and shared resources to help drive growth and increased competitiveness within the Clothing and Textile sector.

In addition, considering the recent and ongoing success of CCTC’s Covid19 Risk Mitigation Programme, the City is currently engaging with the CCTC to determine how best to work together to launch similar programmes within the local Food and Beverage, Electronics and Boat Building Sectors.

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