


Hot Ink is a Digital Printing and Graphic Design Company that has been operating for 23 years and in 2011 they became a certified carbon neutral printer. They are viewed as an industry leader by offering the latest print technology, a wide range of recycled paper and advice on green printing. Having powerful in-house creativity and technical skill sets, they offer innovative printing as well as graphic designing under one roof.

The growing demand for sustainable solutions has led many customers to choose Hot Ink over other competitors. The company’s success enables them to support the community through a CSI programme, most notably the Amy Biehl Foundation and the 9 Miles project.

The company aims to continue their consistent year on year growth by assisting entrepreneurs and various companies to provide them with quality services to enhance their businesses.

Tell us a bit more about your business and what it offers?

Hot Ink is a Digital Printing and Graphic Design Company. We offer a wide range of print products including business cards / brochures / labels / booklets / folders / annual reports / photobooks / menu’s / swing tags. We have the latest print technology which enables us to digitally print beyond CMYK including  Gold / Silver / Metallics / White and Clear varnish.

Hot Ink has a large format digital print & signage division which can print a wide range of products including posters / window vinyl’s / wall papers / canvas prints / vinyl stickers / pull up banners etc.

In support of the above Hot Ink has an extensive finishing division offering services such as laser cutting / book binding / kiss cutting / laminating / t-shirt press etc.

Hot Ink is a certified Carbon Neutral Printer as well offering a wide range of recycled papers and advice on green printing.

Hot Ink also offers a professional Graphic Design Service.  Please view our website for a comprehensive of view of our offerings.

What important role does your company play in Cape Town, and abroad?

Hot Ink is viewed as an industry leader by always offering the latest print technology coupled with powerful inhouse creative and technical skill-sets allowing us to offer our clients the best in Innovative Printing and Graphic Design under one roof, by a Carbon Neutral business. We do very little printing for export but can offer our overseas clients coming to South Africa for conferences at the CTICC / movie & commercial shoots, quality printing and excellent service. The growing demand for sustainable solutions has lead many customers to choose Hot Ink over our competitors.

When considering Cape Town, what factors made you choose to start here? Why Cape Town and what prompted the decision.

A beautiful vibrant city to live and work in. Hot Ink was started on the back of a successful commercial, stills photo & modelling industry which was thriving here in 1997. These international companies come to SA for the beauty of our locations, good weather and well organised SA owned support companies.

What do you enjoy most about operating your business in Cape Town? What are the benefits of running a business/investing in Cape Town?

Cape Town is possibly the most successful City in Africa with a strong cultural mix of people who have moved here from all over the world wanting the lifestyle Cape Town can offer, bringing with them their expertise, experience, entrepreneurial skills, capital and a “go-for-it attitude” – their success becomes others success. This is especially prevalent in the CBD where Hot Ink has been located since 2004. In tandem with this we also have an amazing local business base of talented and brave entrepreneurs succeeding in a tough business environment.We enjoy interacting with all these wonderful entrepreneurs, assisting them and providing them with our services to enhance their businesses. Cape Town is an exciting City hosting many important events over the whole year whether they be sport, business(CTICC), music, cultural and more bringing in immense economic opportunities.

What are the highlights/success stories you can share since starting your business in Cape Town?

Employing staff from different cultural back grounds and watching the Hot Ink team grow and interact positively.  Hot Ink’s consistent year on year growth. Hot Ink becoming a CARBON NEUTRAL COMPANY in 2011. Hot Ink’s success has enabled us to support our community through our CSI programme, most notably the Amy Biehl Foundation and the 9 Miles project.

What challenges, if any, have you experienced in setting up your business?

HR challenges, dealing with difficult labour legislation, red tape when tendering for corporate and government jobs.

Have you had any interactions, positive or negative, with the City of Cape Town in setting up or running your business?

In general I think the City of Cape Town does a good job under difficult circumstances in terms of running the City well in providing services and maintenance of infrastructure with respect to electricity, water, sewage, parks, cleanliness, existing road maintenance and encouraging and supporting the film, movie, tourism and events industry. This all assists greatly in providing a positive business environment.

On the negative: we would like to see more security provided and the enforcement of City by laws.

Road congestion coupled with poor public transportation: solutions need to be found as many productive hours are lost by staff not getting to work on time, getting to work frustrated and demoralised and spending too many hours on the roads to and from work.

How has doing business in Cape Town, or with City of Cape Town, been different to anywhere else?

N/A as we have only done business in Cape town

What’s next? What is the future of your business?

To continue to invest, grow and develop, we are very positive about the future of Cape town.

If your best friend was on the fence about opening a business/investing in Cape Town, what would you tell them?

If you want to improve your quality of life and enjoy one of the best working and living city-lifestyles in the world, come to Cape Town. A truly cosmopolitan, vibrant and well run city with so much potential. The opportunity to invest and succeed in business. To live in a city with beautiful mountains and oceans at your doorstep. Excellent educational and health facilities. Awesome suburbs / areas to choose to live in.



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