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The University of Cape Town (UCT) is happy to report Babalwa Ngonyama as the new chairperson of the Council and Nazeema Mohamed as deputy chair.

The election of Ms Ngonyama and Ms Mohamed is a historic, groundbreaking event for the university as it is the very first time that women occupy these fundamental roles.

Babalwa Ngonyama, served as the chairperson of the institution’s finance committee since 2016, before being successfully elected in her new position as chairperson of the UCT Council.

Ms Ngonyama is also the CEO and founder of Sinayo Securities as well as the founding chairperson of the African Women Chartered Accountants, a non-profit organization founded on the premise of support and development of African female chartered accountants.

Nazeema Mohamed currently serves as the executive director of lnyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement and is one of the founding members of the Anti-Racism Network in higher education.

Ms Mohamed has extensive knowledge and experience in higher education and was appointed a part-time commissioner to the first National Youth Commission by former president Nelson Mandela.

The University of Cape Town is now run by a female leadership in ceremonial and executive positions, as the chancellor and vice-chancellor are also female.

The UCT executive committee (EXCO) consist of the chairperson, deputy chairperson, vice-chancellor, one of the senate elected members, a student member of the council and three other members of the council, of which one must be the chairperson of the university’s finance committee.

We would like to wish Babalwa Ngonyama and Nazeema Mohamed every success in serving their four-year term of appointment until June 30, 2024.

Originally written by Robin-Lee Francke, IOL

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