Last month it was announced that Cape Town had been nominated to compete against the rest of the globe for the World Travel Awards in the following categories:

  • World’s Leading City Break Destination 2020
  • World’s Leading City Destination 2020
  • World’s Leading Festival & Event Destination 2020
  • World’s Leading Tourist Attraction 2020: Table Mountain, South Africa
  • World’s Leading Airport – CTIA
  • World’s Leading Luxury Hotel – Twelve Apostles
  • World’s Leading City Hotel – Pepperclub
  • World’s Leading Luxury Hotel Villa – Villa 2 @ Ellerman House

There are now five days left till voting closes at midnight on 25 October 2020.

Residents have the opportunity to vote for our beautiful and diverse city at This will ensure that Cape Town gets the recognition it deserves.

‘Receiving these accolades will be another great boost towards the recovery of Cape Town. It will reaffirm the attractiveness of our beautiful city as a popular tourism destination and greatly assist in bringing back visitors to Cape Town as we navigate our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a local government supporting the efforts of the tourism, events and hospitality sectors, we know the importance this industry holds in boosting the economy, and the value that these accolades will bring to their efforts,’ said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.

‘The visitor economy is everyone’s business. We need visitors to help grow the business ecosystem, create jobs, and support linked industries. There is no denying the impact that the lockdown regulations have had on our economy and tourism especially.

‘That is why I continue to engage my national counterparts to make the case for fully reopening international travel, while requiring that visitors observe all health protocols. The unbanning of many countries yesterday is a step in the right direction for travel and trade. However, it’s not enough as we approach our peak tourism period.

‘By requiring the same health and safety protocols as well as testing, we can welcome back international visitors from all of our key source markets, especially our major ones such as the UK, US and Germany which still remain banned.

‘By winning some of the awards the city has been nominated for, combined with the ability to welcome back all international travellers, we can help keep Cape Town front of mind for those looking for a destination of choice and get our economy back on track,’ said  Alderman James Vos, Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management.

Please note:  These are archived photos taken before the COVID-19 pandemic.

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