Statement issued by Ald. James Vos, Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities

The City of Cape Town welcomes the decision by the Ports Regulator of South Africa to reject Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA) application to increase the overall average tariff increase by 19.74%.

In September, we wrote to the national Minister of Transport, Fikile Mbalula, and the Ports regulator to make the case against any increase in port tariffs. This argument set out how businesses simply could not afford to absorb any more costs.

I opposed any port tariff increases, especially in current times because now more than ever we must assist Cape Town products to reach key markets, to help our companies to expand and create jobs.

That is why am very pleased that our submissions have been accepted and that businesses will not have to absorb extra costs in the next financial year.

Through the City’s Enterprise and Investment Department, we focus on attracting investment, providing various kinds of specialist support to small and large businesses, as well as investment incentives and skills development so we can help businesses reach their full potential, export proudly Capetonian goods and employ more people.

It is now up to the TNPA to look at the existing budgets at current tariff levels to fund its operating requirements whilst at the same time ensuring that it is affordable and progressive for port users.

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