Recently the Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos, invited the French Ambassador, Aurélien Lechevallier, joined by his economic unit, to the Atlantis Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) on a fact-finding mission aimed at building investor confidence and investigating the possibility of future collaborations. Read more below:

Focussed on the Green Economy with the aim of attracting and retaining export-focussed GreenTech investment, the Atlantis Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) is the result of the collaboration between the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, the Western Cape Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism and the City of Cape Town.

At the end of 2020, the City transferred the general industrial zoned properties, valued at R56,5 million, to the Atlantis Special Economic Zone Company (SOC) Ltd. This allows the ASEZ Company to legally contract on the land with prospective bidders and provides much needed economic stimulus and opportunities for the community of Atlantis and Cape Town’s green technology hub.

‘The ASEZ provides much-needed economic stimulus and creates opportunities to unlock industrial development in manufacturing and technology as well as employment and skills transfer for the community of Atlantis and Cape Town’s green technology hub.

‘We visited the Huthamki factory, which is the leading fiber packaging supplier in South Africa and produces fiber and pulp based packaging for fresh food and beverages. I was pleased to hear that the factory is currently undergoing an expansion. What was clear from our visit was that where there is a will, there is a way to secure the investment we need to create the jobs and for our economy to thrive,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos.

To date, a total of R680 million worth of investment has been attracted into the ASEZ from companies which specialise in everything from geotextiles to wind tower manufacturing to double glazed windows.

ASEZ acting CEO, Pierre Voges, said: ‘Welcoming the French Ambassador, Aurélien Lechevallier, to Atlantis, alongside our partner and shareholder, the City of Cape Town, showcases the collaborative nature of the investment ecosystem inherent in the region. We both welcome and look forward to facilitating many green technology investments from France flowing into our Special Economic Zone as a result of engaging with the ambassador and his team.’

Alderman Vos said: ‘We are really excited about the benefits that the ASEZ will bring for the Atlantis area as well as the investment ecosystem of Cape Town. Green technology is the future and I look forward to the coming months when many more projects get underway.’


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