


Over the past 30 years, Power Logic has solidified themselves as a world leader in the field of power and voice/data solutions, developing cutting-edge technology and innovations for clients around the world. Based in beautiful Cape Town, Power Logic has a broad international distribution network with representation in the UK, North and South America, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia and Africa.

Managing Director, Adrian Mazzullo highlights how location and good infrastructure played a key role when it came to establishing Power Logic in the Mother City, adding that the good climate was a bonus. While many companies are faced with new challenges due to Covid-19, Power Logic continue to set their sights on growth and innovation.

Tell us a bit more about your business and what it offers?

We design and manufacture power outlet systems for office and home use. These range from entry-level to high-end devices to suit all applications. These are built to comply with the most rigorous international standards of safety and quality. As one of the few companies in our field able to take a product from concept to finished product entirely in-house, we have a unique advantage to design and develop products rapidly [and] meet the highest international standards.

What important role does your company play in Cape Town, and abroad?

As an exporter of high-quality products, we have to ensure our products are manufactured to a consistently high standard. Our staff and suppliers are carefully selected to ensure that we can meet these standards. We employ over 100 staff in our facility ranging from semi-skilled to highly skilled individuals.

When considering Cape Town, what factors made you choose to start here? Why Cape Town and what prompted the decision?

Cape Town is a modern city with good infrastructure and good governance. It is a good place to export/import products due to the frequency of international flights and having a good seaport. Cape Town also has a large and diverse population from which to source personnel.

What do you enjoy most about operating your business in Cape Town? What are the benefits of running a business/investing in Cape Town?

The City has good infrastructure and is run fairly efficiently. It is conveniently located in the east and western hemispheres and is in a similar time zone to Europe. The good climate is an added bonus.

Highlights/success stories you can share since starting your business in Cape Town?

We have grown from a small business servicing the local market into an international company employing over 100 people. Our supplier network has grown to meet our demands for high-quality materials.

What challenges, if any, have you experienced in setting up your business?

The major challenge has been interruptions to the power supply through load-shedding. We have mitigated this through solar power and the use of a diesel generator, but unfortunately, it is still a disruption to efficient workflow.

What challenges, have you experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic and in what ways are you planning to help alleviate those challenges?

The biggest challenge was not having any production due to the severe lockdown level 4 and 5 restrictions. Once these were eased, we were able to get our production lines running again and keep our staff employed. The restrictions on flights and shipping, however, have caused delays in getting our product to our foreign customers.

How has your business plan changed in response to Covid-19?

We have diversified our product portfolio and have broadened our market range. We have had to streamline operations to run more efficiently and to be nimbler in product development.

What health and safety protocols has your business put in place for customers and staff?

All staff are screened daily for temperature and any signs of Covid symptoms, as outlined by Government regulations. Additionally, we spread out our production lines to maintain the correct social distancing and staggered our breaks to reduce the number of people per break period. We also have hourly sanitizing of the work surfaces and a daily deep sanitizing of the entire factory. Staff are required to wear their masks at all times.

What have you got planned for the future of your business?

We have several exciting new products in the pipeline and will be entering new markets with these products and services.

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