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Since the start of the national vaccination rollout, 43% of the Western Cape population has been fully vaccinated. This is remarkable progress and we are steadily heading towards achieving safety for our provincial and municipal population.

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on our lives, families, jobs and economy. But as we approach the inevitable fourth wave, we are not unprepared – we have our experiences of the past waves and a combative solution to avoid a 2020 encore: vaccinations.

For our city to safely return to pre-pandemic levels, where the threat of business closures and job losses no longer loom over all residents, vaccinations are key.

As President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his nation address 28 November 2021, has stated;

Vaccination is [also] vital to the return of our economy to full operation, to the resumption of travel and to the recovery of vulnerable sectors like tourism and hospitality. The development of the vaccines we have against COVID-19 has been made possible thanks to the millions of ordinary people who have volunteered to participate in these trials to advance scientific knowledge for the benefit of humanity. They are the people who have proven that these vaccines are safe and effective.”

We’re calling on all business owners and workers to vaccinate and save jobs. For our economy to adequately recover, we need to band together and vaccinate. To save lives and to save jobs – we, as residents, keep the economic wheels turning. But to do that, we need to be healthy, safe and unified in our determination to get back on our feet.

And we encourage you to play your part, by choosing to get vaccinated.

Because a business is more than just a store that provides a service, a retailer that stocks your favourite goods, or a manufacturer that makes your essential products.

It’s the growth of a community. It’s a means of income for a population. It’s employment opportunities for all.

A business is not just a business; it’s the lifeline of our people and our economy.

Let’s protect the economy.

Vaccinate. Save Jobs.

  • Register for the vaccine here.
  • Find your nearest City clinic here.
  • Learn about vaccine myths and facts here.

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