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Event company owner, Bruce Parker-Forsyth has always believed that the term ‘small business’ was misleading. He has managed a ‘small business’ for 24 years, which has delivered world-class feats in sports and entertainment. “Business owners measure the success of a business based on size but I have found comfort in this concept of being a ‘small business’,” said Bruce.

According to Bruce, the success of a business should be based on its outputs, approach and its attitude towards its stakeholders, rather than the number of people it employed or its annual turnover.

The impact of COVID-19 has had an enormous equalising effect on the business landscape. He explained that this was the time to challenge the notion that a company’s success was defined by the address of an office or the decor in the boardroom.

“The sudden changes experienced by the eventing industry in particular, drove home to me that we are in the ‘people business’ – our clients, staff and event participants should always remain at the fundamental core of our business ethos,” said Bruce. He continued by saying, “This is only achievable through quality servicing and clear, effective communication.”

He explained that often brilliance and creativity have been overlooked because the criteria of what defined a successful business automatically excluded those who preferred ‘small’. “In fact, for many years I steered clear of referring to it as a ‘small business’, as I was acutely aware of the ease with which one would be overlooked,” said Bruce.

Bruce emphasised that it was about time that all small business owners stood up and affirmed why smaller businesses are better.

He said that it was not merely an opinion but a fact by highlighting key points:


‘Small’ means less noise, less clutter and less diversion. ‘Small’ means getting to the destination as efficiently and effectively as possible.


Having the freedom to easily adapt and change while maintaining the same core values and principles – thereby promising consistent service delivery and quality.


Dealing directly with world-class skills and experience through the engagement of resources as needed.


‘Small’ means everything but small. It is ‘big thinkers’ who choose to focus on the customer.

Since 1996, Bruce confirmed that his business has delivered the Cape Town Stopover for every Volvo Ocean Race; brought the FIFA Fan Fests to Cape Town and Durban; and has supported a nation in mourning by delivering the Nelson Mandela Memorial Concert in Cape Town.

“We’ve spearheaded community support campaigns on behalf of brands like Pick ‘n Pay through the Cape Town Cycle Tour, the Women’s Walks Pink Drive and Fire Relief for the Knysna Community in 2017,” said Bruce.

According to Bruce, the fight for survival has been exhausting, yet non-negotiable. Event hosting companies should be ready to offer the world its entertainment and distractions, its gatherings and camaraderie, as soon as they were allowed again.

“It’s not about maintaining a ‘successful’ business but it’s about our customers, athletes, fans and friends who need the comfort that comes from sharing a moment and creating a memory with others,” he concluded.

Originally written by Bruce Parker-Forsyth, Bizcommunity

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