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As the Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunity, a key focus for my department is to improve the ease of doing business, to grow the local economy and create jobs, especially for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The Business Hub helps find solutions to make small businesses more competitive and resilient.

The Business Hub, which I launched in August 2019, is there to help the people of Cape Town set up or improve their business and is on hand to help with any part of the process, including connecting SMEs with business partners, funders, support organisations or municipal departments.

There are a number of services provided by The Business Hub, such as:

  • Enterprise and supplier development;
  • Red tape reduction;
  • Business rescue; and
  • Business retention and expansion.

I am immensely proud of the work done and the success achieved since The Business Hub was established, specifically:

  • 1143 enquiries have been received;
  • 100% of these queries have been answered;
  • 98% have been actioned or resolved within two days;
  • 137 private companies (PTY LTD’s) assisted;
  • 15 non-profit organisations assisted;
  • 311 sole traders assisted; and
  • 384 business trained on how to do business with the city and government as well as costing and pricing workshop.

The numbers speak for themselves and show that the services offered are having a positive impact on the growth of business, the economy and employment in Cape Town.

Since I was appointed, I have focused my directorate on being the growth directorate. This means that we are constantly on the lookout for ways to help SMEs do business, so they can be drivers of job creation.

Just one example of a business owner who has received help from this hub and who is a is clear example of the power of SMEs in our economy, is Glynn Mashonga.

She started her business, Globescope Security Solutions, from her home and as her business grew she moved into an office park.

One of the main struggles she faced was access to funding. She then attended one of the City’s Smart Supplier Programmes, which is run annually by our Business Support unit.

She received training on how to pitch to major corporate clients. The training she received helped her to land more clients and forge new business links. As a direct result, she now employs 21 people.
Glynn’s business has a regular stream of work with an established list of blue chip clients such as IBM, ABSA and UK based clients.

This is just one example of the power of collaboration between the City and business owners. Where there is a will, there is a way to grow our economy and create jobs.

The next step, based on the success of the walk-in Business Hub, will be the launch the mobile Business Hub, so we can take solutions and services we offer to all corners of the Mother City.

I’d like to thank my team in the department on Enterprise and Investment for the great work they are doing to attract investment and create jobs.

You can visit the Business Hub walk-in centre in the Strand Street Concourse, or call on (021) 417 4043, or online at or queries can be sent to

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