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Cape Town has been ranked the most innovative African city due to its prompt preparedness and actions in dealing with Covid-19.

The coronavirus has affected close to 10 million people worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic in late 2019, bringing normal daily activity to a global halt, yet Cape Town has been recognized as the most innovative African city by the Countries Global Ranking of Startup Ecosystem 2020 by international agencies, the Health Innovation Exchange and Moscow Agency of Innovations.

The groups named the city the most innovative in Africa in its response to dealing with the global crisis. Cape Town is amongst 1 000 cities worldwide and is ranked 79th globally according to the index, and the only South African city to make the listing.

Democratic Alliance’s (DA) Western Cape spokesperson in Finance, Economic Development, and Tourism, Deidre Baartman said, “We welcome this prestigious ranking for Cape Town, which highlights the commitment of the people and governments of this province to create innovative ways to serve communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

She added: “Covid-19 came with no blueprint for how governments and society should respond to the crisis. But through innovation and technology in a whole-of-government approach, we have learnt to adapt. The Western Cape works closely with Wesgro and the City of Cape Town to run the Covid-19 Support Finder – an online tool for connecting businesses with resources and partnerships they need to keep their doors open.”

Cape Town has achieved this ranking despite being located in the Western Cape the country’s Covid-19 epicentre. The province has reported over 50 000 Covid-19 cases, which is more than half of the Country’s recorded infections, with the vast majority of the fatalities linked to the virus.

“Our DA-led governments promote business continuity through advising on lockdown regulations and lobbying for the safe operations of industries, keeping lives and livelihoods in mind,” said Baartman.

The Western Cape has implemented a few innovations, namely converting the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) into a Covid-19 hospital in readiness for the projected peak in the coming weeks. The hospital is equipped to house 800 patients.

Deidre Baartman said, “As we navigate an uncertain future, we are proud of the work of our entrepreneurs and businesses which have tailored their approach in unprecedented ways. Towards the peak of the virus’s spread and as we enter a more gradual opening of the economy, we must remain mindful of health and safety protocols, including the need to maintain social distancing and good hygiene at all times.”

South Africa has 92 681 Covid-19 positive cases, with 1 877 deaths recorded as at Saturday, 20 June.

Originally written by Siviwe Breakfast, The South African

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