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The impact of Covid-19 has undoubtedly affected all businesses, forcing companies to pivot in order to survive. Fast Company (SA) develops its first digital magazine in response to the crisis.

The Fast Company (SA) team has been adhering to the lockdown regulations by working from home. The company has developed its first digital magazine inviting its readers to enjoy the Fast Company innovation experience still.

With editorial, design, and technology teams working closely together to create a successful digital magazine that embraces digital media innovation, The outcome has been a digital triumph.

Editor-In-Chief for Fast Company (SA) Wesley Diphoko said, “The digital nature of this magazine will allow us to keep updating this edition with new information as it becomes available; in that sense, it is worth keeping.”

The current World-changing Ideas edition of Fast Company (SA) centres around the power and value of ideas, focusing on Nokosana Makate and his concept of the Please Call Me idea. We will be publishing all new information, and our digital magazine will be the primary source of information about this extraordinary South African idea.

The digital edition of Fast Company (SA) has gone beyond enabling just reading; its audience can now listen to audio content as well as watch videos, adding value to their magazine experience. The next edition will consist of more audio and video content.

Each edition of the Fast Company (SA) magazine will come with a virtual event to enhance the audience experience.

Diphoko said,” Covid-19 has been a negative and a positive force in the media sector. It has been a positive force in the sense that it has forced the magazine to innovate. It has forced the magazine to have a different view of print. In my opinion, the print version will still matter as a companion for digital. It will, however, become a luxury while digital enhances the experience.”

In time, this edition will be printed on demand for readers who are collecting this series of magazines. The print edition will reference back to the digital version to provide an immersive experience

Readers may access the digital edition online by visiting

Originally written in IOL

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