The Invest Cape Town initiative was launched by the City of Cape Town to strengthen and promote our status as a high-performance, African business hub that supports big ideas and innovation. The City of Cape Town enables growth by linking businesses to new insights, opportunities and solutions. Invest Cape Town is a demonstration of the City’s commitment to creating a platform that contributes to the increased awareness, attractiveness and competitiveness of the city as a place to do business.

Our mission is to attract and retain foreign direct investment which is of strategic importance to the economic development of Cape Town.

We work with international and local entrepreneurs, SMEs and multinationals that wish to set up a business in Cape Town.

On the ground we collaborate with partners from business formations, investment promotion agencies and sector support entities, and all spheres of government.

The Invest Cape Town team offers a wide range of customized services, free of charge, for any business stage you are in. Explore our website to learn more about what we do.

Our services include, amongst others:

  • Investment facilitation
  • Information on sector-specific business opportunities
  • Expert knowledge, support and development opportunities to small and medium sized businesses
  • Enterprise & Supplier Development (market access, match-making)
  • Overcoming regulatory processes that create red tape (licenses, permit approvals)
  • Navigating City Services landscape (connecting businesses with the right official)
  • Business Operation & Expansion (running & growing a business)
  • Facilitate incoming visits from international delegations
  • Supports development processes for strategically important investments in the manufacturing and business services sectors
  • Provide specialist facilitation services in the Atlantis Industrial Area, with a particular focus on implementation of the Atlantis GreenTech Special Economic Zone
  • Manages the City’s investment incentives programme
  • Linking investors to our sector specific industry partners
  • Provincial and National Government department liaison
  • Facilitating skills programmes in partnership with SME’s and large firms for in-demand occupations and growth sectors




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