The City of Cape Town, through the Enterprise and Investment Department, partners with the South African Renewable Energy Business Incubator (Sarebi), based in Atlantis, to support small enterprises in the renewable, clean and efficient energy sector. Applications for the Business Savvy Workshop Series, consisting of three online modules and focussed on aspirant entrepreneurs, are now open. Read more below:

‘We need to get our local economy back on its feet as fast as possible, but also build a stronger, more resilient economy for generations to come. This is why the City of Cape Town, through its Enterprise and Investment Department, invests in skills training in sectors that are poised for significant future growth, like green-tech,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos.

Thanks to funding provided by the City, the cost of the Business Savvy Workshop Series is subsidised and only requires a minor commitment fee from each applicant.

The programme has been designed to allow participants to develop their business model with a specific focus on the value proposition, business case and business model.

Once the course is completed, graduates will be given the opportunity to present their business offerings to a network of existing, mature enterprises as well as potential investors.

To reserve a place on this programme, please complete the application form at

Applications are now open and will close on 14 March 2021 at 23:00.

Recently, Sarebi also completed a successful programme, together with the City’s Enterprise and Investment Department, to assist entrepreneurs and businesses to register as a supplier on the City’s Supplier Database, to help existing businesses become stronger and more sustainable businesses, to enable them to trade more successfully with the City.

‘With the right partnerships and plans we can ensure that Cape Town has the right conditions to attract the investment we need to grow our local economy, upskill our residents and create more job opportunities. This is how we will build back better than before,’ said Alderman Vos

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