The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos congratulated participants during his speech at the High Impact Programme Certificate Ceremony for entrepreneurs in Atlantis. Read more below:

The 11 participants graduated from the High Impact Programme following three months of rigorous training for business readiness in the construction sector.

‘This targeted intervention started with representatives from 11 businesses participating, and now these same 11 are equipped to be leaders in local business having successfully completed the programme,’ said Alderman Vos.

The City of Cape Town partnered with enterprise and supplier development experts to facilitate the programme. Graduates were trained in four key areas, namely: compliance, works capability, financial capability, and business linkages. These encapsulate learning how to prepare for tenders, knowledge of smart procurement, and submitting a business proposal among other skills.

‘It is more important than ever for business owners to understand the value of smart procurement and supplier development for SMMEs as it will help them to better compete for opportunities,’ said Alderman Vos.

‘The knowledge I gained here was invaluable and immense and cannot be described, things I thought I knew were reintroduced to me and my eyes were truly opened to new information that directly affects my business,’ said graduate Michael Marote of Vusela Enterprise.

The programme comes at a pivotal moment for businesses in the area which boasts the Atlantis Special Economic Zone, an initiative focused on green technology manufacturing. The ASEZ is expected to attract approximately R3,7 billion in investments over the next two decades.

‘At the end of 2020, the City transferred the general industrial zoned properties, valued at R56,5 million, to the Atlantis Special Economic Zone Company (SOC) Ltd. This allows the ASEZ Company to legally contract on the land with prospective bidders and provides much needed economic stimulus and opportunities for the community of Atlantis.

‘The training received by these highly talented entrepreneurs makes them well prepared to capitalise on the opportunities provided by ventures such as the ASEZ,’ said Alderman Vos.

The City will run the programme in other areas later this year.

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