Note to editors: The  Nowhere Does it better Campaign is a collaborative industry initiative driven by Wesgro, Western  Cape Government, City of Cape Town, South African Tourism (SAT), Cape Town Tourism,  Southern Africa Tourism Services Association (SATSA), FEDHASA, South African  Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI), AirBnB, the President Hotel, the  Tourism Business Council of South Africa, Marriott International and the V&A  Waterfront.


Wesgro’s Destination Marketing Unit in partnership  with key stakeholders at all levels of government and the tourism industry, launched the #NowhereBetter campaign.

Following a perfect storm of negative messaging, the  local tourism industry took a down turn with international arrivals declining  in 2018, compared to that of 2017. The challenge faced was that potential  visitors were delaying their trip or not considering Cape Town and the Western  Cape as their holiday destination.

Identifying it was a shared responsibility to change the narrative  and the power of a single voice, government and key tourism stakeholders came  together in an historic first to devise a plan to put the province back on the  international tourism consideration list.

Through research and numerous discussions, the question was  posed: Where else in the world  can you experience breath-taking landscapes, rich cultural experiences, world  class food and wine, art, marine life, beaches, nature and much more, all  within a few minutes or hours from a vibrant city centre?

To this end it was agreed that ‘Nowhere Does it Better’ than  Cape Town and the Western Cape.

Showcasing the breadth and depth of various activities  within the Western Cape and the proximity these are to one another the globally  focused, white label, marketing campaign is comprised of compelling video’s showcasing the extraordinary offering in the destination.

With phrases including “Where the French come to fall in  love” and “The English come to drink tea,” the campaign adopts a cheeky twist  compelling travellers to come visit Cape Town and the Western Cape to  experience activities synonymous with other countries because – we just do it  better.

Judy Lain,  Wesgro’s Chief Marketing Officer for Tourism, stated: “The purpose of  this campaign is to re-ignite people’s passion in the destination. We need to  go back to basics and remind people why we are great and why they need to come  and visit us!”

The video, which beautifully displays the diversity of the experience escapes available in the province, have been curated into  shorter scenarios which will be boosted to the Cape’s top three source markets  (United States, United Kingdom and Germany) via Facebook, Instagram, Google,  Programmatic Marketing and Re-Marketing.

During the launch, it was stressed that a recovery plan is not the silver bullet solution to a complicated problem, however it was an active  response to addressing the challenges with the power of a single voice to  create a meaningful impact.

The campaign boasts two microsites: one for trade and the  other for the consumer.

On the trade website, (launching Friday, 23 November 2018), tourism stakeholders can download the complimentary marketing assets for use  of individual company marketing initiatives. The collateral has been  specifically designed to include a white space at the bottom for individual  companies to insert their own branding.

The consumer website, gives interested visitors an overview of the scenic, cultural and outdoor experiences  on offer in the destination.

Executive Mayor, Dan Plato, stated: “We cannot rest on past successes and need to continue marketing Cape Town as the top destination that it is. Our city should be top of mind  when travellers and event organisers are thinking about their next destination,  so I am very pleased to see that we are doing exactly that today – finding new  and innovative ways and messages to showcase Cape Town to the rest of the  world.”

Minister of Economic Opportunities, Beverly Schäfer, said: “Tourism is a vital sector in the Western Cape  economy, sustaining over 300 000 direct and indirect jobs. In the same way this  industry came together during the worst of the crisis, it’s come together again  as we find solutions. This campaign, funded from across the various spheres of  the industry, is a reminder of everything the Western Cape and Cape Town have  to offer.”

South African Tourism CEO, Sisa Ntshona, added: “Cape Town will always remain an  iconic global destination.  Through the difficult times over the last 18  months, we have displayed resilience and a willingness to challenge ourselves  in coming up with innovative solutions to address the drought. We are excited  at what the future holds for Cape Town and South Africa. The #NowhereBetter  campaign is another encouraging step in leading  the way to show to the  world that Cape Town and South Africa is always open for business as we welcome  visitors to our wonderful country.”

‘’What I  truly love about the campaign is that it is a positive and ingenious way to  reposition the Cape after the damage the water issue did to tourism to the  region.  The campaign is underpinned and funded by a strong collaborative  base of the public and private sectors.  I hope this can act as a catalyst  for a long-overdue national campaign that seeks to reposition South Africa as a  cool place to come to for a holiday,’’ said David Frost, CEO of SATSA.

Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris, concluded: “We’re inviting the world to come experience all we have on offer. Nowhere in the world will you find such a diverse range of experiences in such close proximity to each other. There quite simply is nowhere in the word that does it better.”


Media enquiries:

Sarah Brownlee

Media Relations Officer, Wesgro

Tel: 021 487 8700

Cell: 083 577 0327


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