The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Growth Alderman James Vos is encouraging Cape Town’s small businesses to sign up for the City-funded Productivity Efficiency Programmme. Read more below:

This call follows a recent visit to two local companies which have gone through the programme. Facilitated by Productivity South Africa, the project sees small enterprises, who employ between 15 to 50 workers, assessed and then given a detailed strategy showing them how to improve productivity and efficiencies.

‘The objective of this initiative is to assist businesses in distress or those who need guidance on improving their operations. Productivity SA’s team goes on site and reviews every area of the business, from their books to the production area, and then advises on what needs improvement or change,’ said Alderman Vos.

During his visits to the two Epping-based businesses – Lanpack, a paper production enterprise, and Ecogift clothing manufacturers – Alderman Vos said it was enriching to witness how the Productivity Efficiency Programme helps businesses to identify financial hurdles, streamline their operations, and ultimately improve workflows.

‘The day-to-day challenges of starting a business and then keeping it running are immense and it can often feel as if one is putting out fire after fire just to keep the doors open.

‘What we and Productivity SA are doing with this programme is helping businesses see how they can turn their operations around so that those fires are less likely to even start, allowing them to focus instead on growth,’ said Alderman Vos.

Lanpack said, following the assessment, it had already begun to see changes in its workplace. ‘We are grateful for all the resources that we have been given. We have already seen a difference that will help us going forward.’

Two other companies who have been through the project are Imvusa Plastics and Cape Cement Products. Using the insights gained from the programme, Imvusa Plastics has identified new markets that it is keen to enter, while Cape Cement Products was shown how to minimise waste to increase profit.

‘When an enterprise is given the tools to streamline their systems, they no longer have to waste their time or revenue on fruitless concerns, but can instead focus their energies on hiring more staff, putting out more products and services, and ultimately, growing their businesses,’ said Alderman Vos.

The initiative is one of a suite of business support projects overseen and funded by the City.

‘Our Business Hub is on call to help Cape Town’s aspiring and existing start-ups learn how to access funding, cut red tape, and learn the tools of the trade. I encourage people to sign up for the hub’s Supplier Development workshops where a variety of topics will be covered, including business improvement, and the ins and outs of costing and pricing one’s products. These online workshops can be accessed at http://wordpress-local:8081/news-events/business-events/’ said Alderman Vos.

Applications for the Productivity Efficiency Programme will be accepted until May 2022. To find out more, email the Business Hub on

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