Businesses operating from vehicles and trailers such as food trucks, barber shops to clothing outlets have become increasingly popular in Cape Town. In harnessing this opportunity and accommodating this global phenomenon on our doorstep, the City has drafted a Mobile Business Policy, which aims to support this growing sector by putting measures in place that will make it easier to apply and operate. The public can submit their comments from tomorrow, Friday 1 July until 30 July 2022. Read more below:

At the beginning of this year, I said that our recovery from Covid-19 must lead to a different economy. To do that, we need to reimagine the way we live, work and play. Therefore it is important to monitor trends and determine the best ways to achieve increased economic participation that will support growth.

It is evident that governments in high-performing economies are more open to experimenting with new approaches to markets and regulations by coming up with programmes to test new ideas in a variety of circumstances, adapting where necessary, and then adopting policies that work.

That being the case, we have recently witnessed more and more businesses becoming agile and demand-driven, and ditching the fixed brick and mortar locations with high running costs and single-location consumers.

I am excited to announce our plans of a pro-growth agenda that involves strategies to improve productivity, income, and demand for the benefit of businesses.

As a City, we welcome innovative ways of doing business that stimulates our economy and creates jobs, especially after the tough time Cape Town has been through as a result of the pandemic. The emerging trend of mobile businesses offering services from vehicles and trailers is an example of such innovation as they can move to where there is demand.

The City of Cape Town’s Economic Growth Directorate is calling on the public to comment on the draft Mobile Business Policy that will be available for comment from tomorrow, Friday, 1 July.

In response to this new business model, the City recognised the need to accommodate and support this sector by putting a policy in place that did not exist before. This is uncharted territory for the City so we want the public to be a part of this conversation and bring their ideas and comments to the table during this period so they can be considered.

What’s in the draft policy?

  • The proposed definition for a mobile business allows for truck-type businesses, businesses that are towed via a trailer and where the self-contained trailer operates as the business. Mobile Business Operators will need to be registered with the City, and have attained the necessary licenses as outlined within this policy (i.e. Business Licence, Certificate of Acceptability).
  • Rules, roles and responsibilities of the City and business owners of these services, which ranges from the permit application and approval processes to the operating do’s and don’ts that encourages an enabling business environment.
  • Introduces the concept of Mobile Business Trading Areas (MBTAs) which will permit mobile business activity in select areas within the municipality.
  • Proposal that it only applies to City land; not to private land and events.

We are confident that with the help of Cape Town, the City will be able to finalise the definition for mobile business and devise a workable system that lawfully supports this sector and creates an enabling environment that is a catalyst for further economic activity. This will also contribute positively to the urban space. This process is an example of the City’s active commitment to making it easier for entrepreneurs to do business in Cape Town.

Have your say

Submit your comments from 1 July to 30 July 2022 via the following channels:

Please note: the online link to this draft policy on the Have Your Say webpage will only be available from 1 July.

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