Mayor Dan Plato visited Atlantis to hand out COVID-19 toolkits to business owners. During Alert Level 4 of the national lockdown, the city launched the CPT+U SMME toolkit aimed at assisting Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises to safely get back to business. Nearly 3000 toolkits have been handed over to SMMEs, who form the backbone of the city’s economy, and make up the majority of service providers needed for economic growth in Cape Town. Read more below:

‘The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant challenge for the small business sector and it is important that support is offered to help them trade safely again and to adhere to the lockdown regulations. The City of Cape Town is committed to supporting SMMEs. This handover marked the final SMME COVID-19 Toolkit hand over. We have assisted more than 2 800 businesses over the past two months across the city,’ said Executive Mayor Dan Plato.

The City’s Enterprise and Investment Department created the SMME COVID-19 Toolkits, filled with the essentials to help get businesses back to work after the lockdown period.

SMMEs desperately need help to remain open, support their staff and get back to business.

Travis Petersen who owns Twin Gables, a guest house in Mamre, was one of the recipients of the COVID-19 toolkit. He said the lockdown has affected his business.

‘We, as business owners, are appreciative of this small gesture from the City of Cape Town. The toolkit will reassure guests that we have taken the steps to keep our guests safe. It is an uncertain time for my business and I’m hopeful that we will be able to reopen soon,’ said Mr Petersen.

The COVID-19 toolkit consists of:

  • Hand sanitiser
  • Face masks
  • A customer safety poster
  • An employee safety poster
  • Information on relief funding and support opportunities

‘It fills me with joy that this initiative received global recognition and will be used as an example of best practice for cities around the world. The uptake of the toolkit applications and ensuing gratitude received from the business fraternity in Cape Town on various social media platforms and emails has been phenomenal. Assisting SMMEs during this difficult time will remain a priority for the City as they are the lifeblood of our economy,’ said Alderman James Vos, Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management.

Mayor Plato, along with the Enterprise and Investment team visited Flexo Line, an injection moulding facility which manufactures plastics and GRI, a factory constructing wind towers. Mayor Plato delivered toolkits and engaged businesses on the challenges they have experienced during the lockdown. He was pleased to hear about the measures these two companies have put in place to limit the spread of the virus such as screening, personal protective gear and a sanitising tunnel.

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