


Yebo Fresh might be South Africa’s next big thing in online household goods and groceries.

Many innovative ideas have made their way through these trying times, giving us all some much-needed good news. Some businesses have grown exponentially during this COVID-19 era, one of which is Yebo Fresh, a start-up online retailer which supplies South African households with quality goods.

Initially the start-up’s geographical target segment was townships in and around Cape Town, but the new online shopping service has since expanded and is now delivering groceries to Cape Town suburbs within a 40-kilometre radius from their operating base. The demand and expansion has been so successful that the team has grown to 35 people and relocated to a larger warehouse to meet the growing demand.

  •  Who is funding the online takeover?

But how does one start or even grow a small business in the midst of a pandemic, you ask? That’s where a group of generous donors with a passion for Cape Town communities come in.

The initial funding came from Professor Stefan Allesch, a British entrepreneur and philanthropist. The second stream of funding came as an investment from Alen Ribic, Aisha Pandor, the founders of SweepSouth, Neil Watson, Forrester and Bas Hochstenbach.

Recently Yebo Fresh, received help and funding from the founders of, Mark Forrester, Dale Williams and venture capital fund 4E4. Williams realised years ago, that the township economy is the heartbeat of the country and didn’t think twice when lending his support. When Forrester introduced him to Yebo Fresh, he was fascinated by all the possibilities and potential that the online retail company showed by serving people that traditional retailers have mostly neglected.

Jessica Boonstra, the founder and CEO of Yebo Fresh, is using some of the funds to arm the company with leading industry personnel to strengthen the brand and the company and has even looked at and implemented company-wide branding. This is to enhance the processes, systems and ensure that the company is ready to be launched into the larger market.

  •  Lending a helping hand during challenging times.

The enterprise is simultaneously transforming the landscape of online shopping while using its technology and resources to have a meaningful impact in the communities they serve. They have done this through safely delivering quality household goods during the pandemic.

“Yebo Fresh aligns perfectly with our stated mission of growing start-ups that aren’t just good businesses but are also transformative and create jobs. We’re extremely proud to be playing a leading part in their growth journey,” said Philani Sangweni, the managing partner of 4E4 venture capital.

Boonstra is excited about the company’s growth during a time when many businesses and employees have not been so fortunate. The many partnerships developed throughout the year have enabled them to implement technology that will better serve communities throughout South Africa.

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