


Multinational machine manufacturer Sacmi opened its southern and east Africa head office in Cape Town in 2014. The Italian company, a leader in machine manufacturing for the plastics, packaging (beverage bottling), food and automation industries, supplies equipment to some of the world’s leading brands, including Coca-Cola, SAB Miller and Pepsi.

“The decision to base in Cape Town was an easy one,” says Luca Cavina, Sacmi SA’s regional head. “The environment is beautiful, the people here are amazing, the city is accessible via direct flights from almost anywhere and the lifestyle and infrastructure comparable to major cities in Europe. Cape Town is the perfect location for anyone looking to open a commercial office in Africa. Everything you need is here.”

Founded by nine unemployed men in 1919, Sacmi has offices in the United States, Russia, Indonesia, Singapore, Germany, India, Portugal, Brazil , Mexico, Egypt and Morocco.

Cavina spends six months of the year in Cape Town and the remaining six months at the company’s global head office in Italy.

“We’re proud to be based in Cape Town,” he says. “This is the company’s hub for all business in southern and east Africa. We’ve found people here with exceptional technical skills that is assisting the business. We’ve employed a sales manager, to drive sales across the region, and have two technicians to assist with after-sale service. Our future plans include an expansion, which will see more sales reps and technicians being employed.”

Clients in the region include Coca-Cola South Africa, SAB Miller, Namibia Breweries (bottling Windhoek Lager), Pepsi, Twizza (soft drink bottlers), Mondi, Nampak and several other packaging and plastic producers in southern Africa.


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