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The Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA) has launched a Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) support platform to ensure companies survive the COVID-19 economic crisis. The platform will provide SMMEs with access to industry professionals for free advice on how to manage the challenges they are facing during the lockdown period.

SAVCA have called on their members to donate hours from staff who have the capacity and specialist skills to provide companies with the assistance they may need, such as legal, accounting, supply chain and industry-specific advice. Thus far, SAVCA proudly reported that over 1 100 hours have already been pledged to the platform with the hope that it will continue to rise over the coming days. They are looking to expand the volunteer programme beyond their membership base. SAVCA has also initiated a page on its website aimed at providing resources and tools aligned to the impact of COVID-19.

SAVCA, Chief Executive, Tanya Van Lill acknowledged that this would not be enough as it will take urgent, considerable and coordinated support from both the public and private sectors to make it to the other side of this crisis. All South Africans should play a role in supporting the wider economy during this challenging time.

Originally written by ANA Reporter, IOL

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