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The City of Cape Town has invested in supporting SMME’s and entrepreneurs during the pandemic and after with the Business Hub which was opened in August 2019.

On 9 July 2020, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, Alderman James Vos, together with officials from the Enterprise and Investment Department, Lance Greyling, Thembinkosi Siganda, Carlo Vizzi and Roslyn Sparks, hosted a webinar to discuss the support available for SMMEs during the time of Covid-19.

In the session, Thembinkosi Siganda said, “the Business Hub is a customer centric model aimed at improving, from end-to-end, the customer experience and outcomes for our SMME clients.” He added, “the problem that the Business is Hub is trying to solve for our clients is to minimise search frictions,  reduce red tape by providing a single entry point to access services and to provide inter-agency coordination of SME support.”

Viewers were introduced to the Business Hub initiative – a one-stop-shop that opens up economic opportunities for SMME’s and entrepreneurs, bridging the gap between business and government. They also unpacked the support that is being offered during this time and how SMME’s and entrepreneurs can access the facilities, information and services, and the many other benefits that the Business Hub has to offer with its new completely virtual offering.

The session proved to be invaluable to the viewers, and the hosts helped SMME’s and entrepreneurs discover all the tools and support structures that have been put in place and how, from a single point (the Business Hub), they can:

  • Connect to the appropriate departments in the City of Cape Town
  • Access information and advice about City business procedures and processes
  • Find the most appropriate support organisation/programme from a network of development organisations, including potential financiers
  • Address red tape issues to reduce obstacles to doing business
  • Access the business in distress support programme with Productivity SA
  • Access enterprise and supplier development

They have made the webinar available online if you were unable to attend the live webinar on the day, or just want to watch it again and refresh your memory. You can view it here.

The video is for all SMME’s and entrepreneurs who would benefit from it, especially during this trying time when citizens are coming together to help each other out and ensure the future of our nation, its SMME’s and entrepreneurs.

Visit http://wordpress-local:8081/how-can-we-help/business-hub/ or contact: for more information on the Business Hub and how it can help you.

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